
The great lovers of Allah and his prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

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Hafidh Al-Rawahy has completed a BSc. degree in Computer Science from University of Washington (Seattle) and an MSc. degree in Information Management from University of London (LSE) (London). He is currently...


Introducing Islam

Earlier project under the title, "Introducing Islam", which contains multiple infomational booklets on Islam in different languages.

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Islam for felicity in this life and in the hereafter


The West’s Far-Right Movement

“The history, evolution, and resurgence of far-right groups, and comparison and contrast of their discourse with the old binary Orientalist narratives.”

Western Discourse on “Islam and Violence”

Violence is arguably the most misconstrued issue related to Islam in the Western psyche. Western media has succeeded in linking Islam to violence that now dominates public opinion in the West. Even Hollywood has played a part in promoting global fear and anxiety in their screen portrayal of Islam and Muslims. The Western discourse of “violence in Islam” existed historically from the middle ages, but it has intensified in the past two decades post September 11, 2001 attacks. In the middle ages

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